Areca Nut
Peeling Machine Manufacturers and its work
Areca Nut Peeling Machine Manufacturers is one of the lobar
intensive processes. This task is mainly carried out by ladies in the village.
Areca nuts are harvested in different methods as well as different ripped
conditions of the nut. Green Areca nut is harvested after 80 to 90 days of
maturity. In one bunch there will be several nuts some are more matured, few
are under matured. Usually 10 to 15 % of the harvest will be over matured.
Peeling of the over matured is very difficult by hand. Instead of peeling they
scrap the outer skin by using sharp knife. This scraped one is usually called
as ketta gotu. These scrapped ones are boiled and then dried. After drying
these are once again scrapped by using knife and then sorted according to the
quality. Market rate for this variety is always 40 to 30 % of the finest
variety of the Areca Nut Peeling Machine. Rains during the harvest season will enhance the
quantity of the ketta gotu as the processing of the areca nut will be stopped
and it will be allowed to over mature and then dried. When these nuts are
peeled they will have white coat on the surface and more often outer skin cannot
be cleaned completely. They need further processing before sending it to the
In addition to peeling of the green Areca nut peeling of red Areca nut also carried out. This task of peeling of red areca nut is very
tedious one and complete removal of shell is impossible one. This semi peeled
one is further processed in traditional manner and dried. This product is
generally called as kettagotu /Gorubulu and goes to the market at nearly ¼ to
1/6th rate of the normal Areca nut. This is mainly due to shape and also
adherence of the parts of outer shell.
These kettagotu / gorubulu are further processed at market
by scrapping individual nut by using knife. This is mainly done by ladies and
children. They are paid at Rs. 3.00 per 5 kg and normally one will do about 20
kg in a day.
This problem has been observed by SR Agrotech and found that
there is need a for mechanisation in this part of the process so that value can
be added to the Areca Nut Peeling Machine, Developing machine was very
difficult one as machine should address following points:
1. Areca nut is delicate one in its dried state and will
brakes in to pieces after processed in
2. Only outer parts of shell should be removed
3. Weight loss should be Minimum.
4. Machine applications should be easy so that even it can
be handled by the ladies.
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